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Playing For Variation With Long Pips

12 декабря 2007 | Автор: geokond  | Просмотров: 5 364 |

      »  Table Tennis, Long pips

Playing For Variation With Long Pips

Here there are some tips I find useful to play a long pips style, specially with
chopping long pips (those that have high spin reversal), since hitting long pips don't
allow so much variation. Deceptive long pips (those that randomize spin) can take profit
of this tips too, even if they are not so good for chopping.

Having said all this, I recommend:

1 - Mix chops, pushes and blocks, no matter what spin has the ball:

Do not chop only against topspin. Chop against no spin and backspin. Push against any spin
also. If your opponent can't play against long pips, he's DEAD.

2 - Play for variation on any characteristic the ball can have:

You must force your opponent to adapt to every stroke of yours, thus not allowing him to
adapt to your overall style. You should play:

a - Short AND long balls. When he is close to the table, look for his elbow / pocket
and send a long no spin ball. When he is looping at mid-distance block short to mid-table
or to any extreme angle. Any looper with bad forms should have no chance against several
consecutive well placed long pips blocks.

b - At low AND high pace: A lot of players have problems when playing at very low or
very high pace, since they are not used to it. It's important to impose your pace, but
it's more important that you can speed it up or slow down at will. Changing the pace
wisely will give you advantage and control of the rally. Force your opponent to rally and
then get the control of it. It's more important to control the CHANGE of the pace than the
pace itself.

c - Balls with high AND low flight arcs: A long pips block-chop against topspin can be
done keeping the ball low if you want to slow down the game. Also, when playing far from
table you can give your opponent a long ball with not much backspin, so he can launch his
spiny topspin, allowing you to chop a heavy one.

d - All possible spins. Of course you can't spin much the ball with long pips. For
inverted and long pips combination players, push spiny and push dead. Send one heavy
sidespin, and push the return (with still some sidespin). Thanks to spin reversal, your
opponent will (probably) have problems handling it.

e - For ball placement, and do it with a purpose: Do not place the ball always at the
same spot. Force your opponent to move, and the quality of his shots will DROP. This is
true even at top level.

f - When far from table, mix chops, fishes, floats and lobs. Force your opponent to
play a full set of stokes EVERY point. This will expose his weakest points, which you
should take profit of.

3 - Allow him to attack to the extent YOU want:

Don't let him attack hard if you can't cope with his attacks. Make the ball land deep to
don't let him open wide angles or do an easy drop shot if you play far from table.

4 - Counter:

a - When far from table, and your opponent plays a not very aggressive shot (i.e.: a
slow topspin) to keep the ball in play (i.e.: to return your spiny chop), get close to the
table and block punch, hit or loop it.

b - When close to table and your opponent sends a backspin ball, you can kill it if
your long pips have high spin reversal, since you'll get a topspin ball. The ball will
land in if you adapt your strokes properly. Yes it's very difficult to attack hard with
certain defensive rubbers, but even a slow kill will be hard to return if tactically

5 - Play as unpredictable as possible:

Your opponents will have a hard time if you can mix a hit, aggressive push or even block
in a serie of chops. Twiddling will make your game a lot unpredictable, specially if you
have a wide range of strokes with both rubbers from where to choose.


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Комментарии (3)

  1.   #1 написал: defender_chop (13 декабря 2007 06:29)  
    Статья полезная. Желательно качественный перевод, по возможности, у меня переводчик хреноватый. wink
  2.   #2 написал: def (15 декабря 2007 08:18)  
    С переводами напряженка,
    переводчики - люди занятЫе очень, а материала много. И не хочется, чтобы лежал он мертвым грузом.
    Поэтому рад, что публикуются материалы и на ангельском - перевести самому легче, чем мыть золото в интернете

    А качественно перевести - это искусство!
    Так ведь?
  3.   #3 написал: Avaev (15 декабря 2007 17:03)  
    В то время как каждый для себя переведет адекватно своим требованиям wink


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